Useful products for brain function

The human brain is the main, central computer of our body, which performs a huge number of extremely important tasks, and is responsible for the smooth functioning of the whole organism.

A modern person has to work more and more without sleep and rest, quickly adapt to a change in mental activity, and work in an emergency mode. Under such conditions, fatigue occurs, tension and stress accumulate, which inevitably leads to irritability or apathy.

Food for the mind is not only cognitive literature, reflections and conversations on all sorts of deep topics, complex tasks and introspection, but also food.

During intense mental activity, it is vital for the body to receive products that improve its work and brain function. After all, the food we eat directly affects our health.

“We are what we eat,” said Rami Blekt, a consultant in ancient Indian astrology and Eastern psychology.

The English say: "Eat one apple a day – and forget about the doctors."

Important! The food consumed should be only organic, that is, without the content of pesticides. Scientists have proven that fruits and vegetables treated with pesticides lower a person's IQ. Therefore, try to exclude from your diet preservatives and all harmful chemicals that are so rich in sweet carbonated drinks and all kinds of sausages, as well as alcoholic beverages that completely cause destruction of brain cells. Going further, despite the fact that nicotine is not a food product, it is still no less dangerous for your brain. Therefore, to begin with, be sure to eliminate all the "harmfulness" and a positive result will not be long in coming.

Modern medicine claims that if vitamins and microelements that nourish the brain are constantly present in the body, then even at a very mature age, an excellent memory and a sharp mind are preserved.

Useful products for brain function

The respected scientific journal Psychology Today once published very interesting research results: it turns out that fish, which we have been positioned as “the best food for the mind” since childhood, is in fact far from the first dish among brain-nourishing foods.

Overseas experts tend to believe that fish is inferior to wild berries and vegetables. These products not only increase brain activity, but are also very beneficial for the heart, says Yunna Popova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Clinical Nutrition at the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.


Balanced Volume

Nutrition should always correspond to the activity of mental activity. You can’t overeat and undereat – the “golden mean” is important in this matter.

As we all know, a person exhausted by a diet reacts much more slowly to the events taking place around him, becomes inattentive, distracted. And all because you keep on poor nutrition not only the whole body, but also the brain in particular.

But short-term fasting is quite acceptable, it helps to cleanse the body, and therefore improve the appearance, and at the same time, it has another very pleasant, amazing effect – it awakens the ability to create.

And vice versa – when overeating, our brain does not work at full capacity, since all the forces are directed to the digestion of food, and not to thought processes.

Keep in mind! Products must be taken in doses, distributing the diet throughout the day.

Be sure to have breakfast, a long-known fact, the highest activity in a person is in the morning, which means that food must be saturated. The healthiest breakfast is low-fat cheese, vegetable scrambled eggs, orange juice, peanut butter sandwiches, and soft-boiled eggs.

Lunch should also be full, (include small portions of hot and cold dishes). But dinner – let it be light, just refresh yourself with a vegetable salad and a piece of fish.


The most useful products for the mind

There are a lot of products that stimulate brain activity, the main thing when choosing them is to follow a simple rule:

  • Environmentally friendly
  • Health Benefits (Backed by Science)
  • No contraindications

So, here is our selection of the best brain foods:


1. Berries

Useful products for brain function

Blueberries, blackberries and raspberries are full of antioxidants that delay brain aging and increase blood flow to the brain. These berries also contain many components that are useful for improving memory.

Blueberries increase learning ability and enhance visual acuity. It is enough to use these berries once a day to achieve excellent results.

You can at home, prepare a delicious and very healthy cocktail, for this you need: a mixture of blueberries, blueberry yogurt, half a banana and crushed ice.


2. Seafood (fish, oysters)

Useful products for brain function

It is very good for health, especially for the brain – to eat fish. It has long been known that fast and productive brain work is impossible without omega-3 and 8 amino acids. That is why red fish (salmon and salmon), and in particular wild salmon, must be present in the diet of every person. If you eat just one serving of fish a week, you can significantly reduce your chances of Alzheimer's disease.

In many countries, tuna is included in the list of mandatory foods that a person should consume at least once a week, and this is no accident, because tuna is one of the most important foods that nourish the brain.

Any fish contains a large amount of phosphorus, useful for the brain, and iodine, which gives clarity to the mind.

Oysters are a very useful product for the brain. The reason for this is the high content of zinc and iron, which allows you to keep the sharpness of the mind and improve the ability to easily remember the necessary facts.


3. Nuts, seeds

Useful products for brain function

Almost all types of nuts are very useful for the brain. The set of nutrients contained in them contributes to clear thinking, the outlook on life changes to a positive one, and all this thanks to omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, which act as antidepressants.

Some nuts and seeds are high in thiamine and magnesium, which improve memory, cognitive function, and brain nutrition.

Walnuts are an excellent source of zinc, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and phosphorus. These substances are the main constituents of brain cells. Walnuts are also enriched with vitamins C, P, PP, which increases brain activity.

Brazil nuts (one of the fattest nuts) are the richest source of selenium (the most necessary element for the brain).

Pumpkin seeds contain a large amount of zinc, various acids, vitamins A and B, all this helps to reduce the overall fatigue of the body and improves mood.

Optimal daily dose: 30-50 grams. However, people prone to allergic reactions need to be extremely careful. The use of nuts in large doses can result in an exacerbation of the disease of the pancreas and liver.


4. Spicy food

Useful products for brain function

Curry. The main ingredient in curry powder is curcumin, which is full of antioxidants. And they just fight against brain aging, supporting cognitive functions that deteriorate with age.

Saffron – I call it the “king of spices”, contains a whole complex of minerals, a large amount of B vitamins, ascorbic acid. Saffron improves brain function, visual acuity, and even treats nervous disorders.

Cinnamon – removes unnecessary salt from the body and promotes active brain activity, and all thanks to the content of three important components in it: brown alcohol, brown aldehyde and cinnamyl acetate.

Add various spices to your dishes, because they not only improve the taste, but are also very healthy.


5. Vegetables

Useful products for brain function

Carrots are a pantry of vitamins, contain a large amount of luteolin (a compound that can reduce age-related memory deficits and the risk of developing inflammatory diseases of the brain). In addition, carrots contain beta-carotene, which is necessary for good vision. One carrot is a daily dose of vitamin A. Carrot juice, on the other hand, experts recommend consuming no more than 200 grams per day.

Beets – rich in iron, iodine and glucose, that is, all the important substances for the fruitful work of our head. It is recommended to eat 150 grams of beets per day, but no more. Eat both boiled and raw root pulp. But freshly prepared juice, it is better to dilute it with other juice, for example, apple juice.

Kale and spinach are other healthy foods that are very necessary for the brain. Great help when there is a need to remember forgotten information. Rich in vitamins B6 and B12, folic acid, rich in iron.

Keep in mind! Spinach is contraindicated in certain diseases of the kidneys and gallbladder.


6. Fruit

Useful products for brain function

Apples, pears, apricots contain iron, which helps to saturate the brain with oxygen necessary to maintain activity. For an adult, it is recommended to consume at least 300-400 grams of fruit per day daily.


This, of course, is not all the products that nourish the brain, but this is already enough to increase mental activity, to become a more efficient, active and cheerful person.

Eat well. Be healthy and positive!
