Test: How developed is your intuition? | How to develop intuition

Intuition is a kind of inner voice that helps a person find not only the right answers to difficult questions of life, the right decisions, but also avoid dangers, suggesting how to act in a particular difficult situation. People with developed intuition are able to achieve much more in this life. But not everyone is able to trust intuition, but only people who are sufficiently confident in their insight.

Does your intuition help you?

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How to develop intuition

  1. In order to learn to comprehend the deep meaning of things and phenomena and make the right decisions, it is enough to devote only 15 minutes a day to the following simple workout. Turn off logic in an orderly manner and focus only on your emotional perception of a particular task. This will allow the subconscious to reveal all its reserves, which means suggesting non-trivial and unexpected moves.
  2. Try to predict how this or that sporting event will end.
  3. Try to guess which song will play next on the radio music channel.
  4. Turn on the TV, turn off the sound. Close your eyes and try to understand what is happening on the screen (fight, commercial break, chase, romantic scene, musical number, newscast, etc).
  5. When the phone or doorbell rings, try to guess who it is. However, do not be discouraged if something does not work right away. Treat it like a game.
  6. Imagine yourself in the place of another person, trying to guess his actions and thoughts. And then see how accurate your predictions turned out to be.
  7. It is not bad to perform the following training meditation exercises daily: after sitting comfortably in a chair and relaxing as much as possible, try not to think about anything, focusing only on your breathing. Next, start slowly counting up to a thousand, vividly, figuratively imagining beautiful, peaceful landscapes in front of your mind's eye. By the way, in this state, sometimes answers to questions that have tormented you for a long time may come. In general, let your thoughts fit in your head, and then you will see how many possible solutions there are. Write them down, carefully study: for sure you will immediately see the best option.
  8. Another meditation exercise. Imagine a person with whom you are excited about the relationship (this may be a stranger who recently interested you). Imagine that you are that person. Not only take on its appearance, but also try to fully get used to it. Try to understand what he wants, what feelings he has, what he thinks about, what interests he lives by. Not bad if you mentally begin to imitate his movements, speech. The main thing is to begin to feel as if all his thoughts are your own.