Each person has their own unique chronotype, which determines their activity throughout the day. Chronotype affects our sleep habits, productivity, and overall well-being. There are two main chronotypes: “early birds” and “night owls”, and sometimes a third chronotype is distinguished — “doves”.
- “Early Birds”: Wake up early on their own and easily, active in the first half of the day, decline after noon. Go to bed early.
Learn more about this chronotype in the article “Chronotype “Early Bird”: Characteristics and Recommendations”. - “Night Owls”: Wake up late on their own, not earlier than 2–3 hours before noon, peak activity in the evening and night time, go to bed late, often after midnight.
Learn more about this chronotype in the article “Chronotype “Night Owl”: Characteristics and Recommendations”. - “Doves”: Intermediate type, wake up on their own in the morning, somewhat later than “early birds”, constant activity throughout the day, without noticeable peaks and declines, go to bed an hour or an hour and a half before midnight.
Learn more about this chronotype in the article “Chronotype “Dove”: Characteristics and Recommendations”.
Take our test to find out which chronotype you belong to and get recommendations for an optimal daily routine.
Determine your chronotype: “early bird”, “night owl” or “dove”

A person's chronotype is the typical daily activity pattern for that person. There are three main chronotypes: “early birds” who wake up early and are most active in the morning; “night owls” who prefer to stay up late and are productive in the evening; and “doves” who represent an intermediate type with a steady level of activity throughout the day. This test will help you determine your chronotype.
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In each question, choose one of the suggested answers
In each question, choose one of the suggested answers
Number of questions in the test: 8
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