Is it bad to eat at night?

There is a widespread belief that eating at night is unhealthy, and besides, evening meals contribute to a person’s weight gain. However, everything is not so sad. According to the Munich-based health magazine Apotheken Umschau, the conventional wisdom about the dangers of late dinner is nothing more than a myth.

Such a statement is based on data obtained as a result of an experiment conducted with more than seven thousand people over a period of 10 years. According to scientists, a person’s weight is not affected by the time of day at which he takes food, but only by its calorie content.

Another thing is that often at dinner, after coming home from work, we are immoderate, and the food we eat exceeds the actual needs of the body in calories. In addition, scientists noted that alcohol plays a large role in the acquisition of excess weight. Those who like to skip a glass or two in the evening should be aware that by doing so they are in danger of gaining extra pounds: alcohol contains almost as many calories as some types of fats.

Is it bad to eat at night?