Interesting Videos

Today we will tell readers about the robotics of Boston Dynamics. To demonstrate the dynamism and mobility of their robots, the manufacturing company taught them to dance.
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This time the YouTube channel “Macro Room” arranged a game with time. The result was some kind of distortion of time and space in slow motion, in general, incredibly beautiful tricks.
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YouTube channel "Macro Room" continues to delight the eye with its unusual macro shooting videos. In this 7-minute video, you will see many mesmerizing colorful effects.
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Everyone knows that cats do not like water. But there are cats that love water and swim excellently, they are simply born for it. Find out more about these amazing water predators.
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The lyrebird can imitate any sound it hears in the forest. These can be sounds of working foresters and their chainsaws, the sound of the shutter and drive mechanism of a camera, car alarm sounds.
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Watch the courtship display of an amazing jungle bird that moonwalks and flaps its wings up to 80 times per second.
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This is a funny story about an elementary school math teacher who got into an absurd situation when she told a student that “2 + 2 = 4.”
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This video shows how difficult it is for a typical engineer to fit into the corporate world. How can an expert solve the assigned task while ignoring common sense?
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