A comedic short film “Alternative Math” is able to highlight a whole range of sharp and paradoxical questions about modern educational stereotypes with a single precise strike. At first glance, the plot is an ordinary episode from school life where a teacher tries to convey an obvious mathematical fact to a student. But within a few minutes, it becomes clear: this is far from a simple arithmetic lesson but a satirical portrait of a society where objective truth suddenly starts losing to misconceptions, prejudices, and excessive “correctness.”

This short film tells the story of an elementary school math teacher who was challenged by parents, the principal, and even the mayor, claiming that the correct answer is the one that does not hurt others' feelings and aligns with general consensus, even if “2 + 2 = 22.” Moreover, this absurd situation became nationally known through the media and gains more support among citizens every day. How will this story end?


Alternative Math

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