The plant and animal world of our planet amazes with its diversity and wonder. Among the millions of species of plants and animals, there are those that defy the common rules and laws of nature, demonstrating unusual abilities, behavior, and appearance. They are exceptions to the rules we are accustomed to considering common to all living beings.

In this article, you will discover several amazing facts about plants and animals that you may not have known or even suspected. It will be interesting!


Click on the word "FACT" below the image to find out the truth



Plants are not dangerous to humans and animals

Ongaonga or Tree Nettle




Fish cannot live on land

Northern Snakehead




Only insects can run on water

Jesus Lizard or Basilisk (Basiliscus)




Not all animals can move their eyes

Pacific Barreleye Fish




Not all animals can move their eyes

Madagascar Sucker-Footed Bat




All plants extract water through their roots

Welwitschia mirabilis




Fur is found only in mammals

Hairy frog




No one eats poisonous animals

European hedgehog