Dangerous fitness exercises

Woman photo created by diana.grytsku – www.freepik.com

Most modern citizens lead a sedentary lifestyle, which negatively affects their health, mood and appearance. Regular exercise in such a situation is needed like air. Fitness is one of the most popular physical activities. It is convenient: exercises can be done both in the gym and at home, they do not take much time, there is the possibility of dosing loads depending on how you feel.

Unfortunately, some popular elements of fitness complexes are not as harmless as they seem: instead of being useful, they can cause significant harm to health. Our story is about exercises that are better to refuse.


1. Twisting

Twisting (simple and lateral) are designed to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle, as well as the lateral abdominal muscles. According to doctors, it is these movements that become a common cause of pain in the lower back, upper back and shoulders.

The fact is that at the moment of twisting, the main load falls on the spine. In this case, the anterior part of each vertebral disc is sharply compressed, and the posterior part is stretched. Deformations of this kind easily injure the vertebrae, especially when a person spends most of the day in a sitting position.

A successful replacement for side crunches is the side plank exercise:

  • lie on your side with an emphasis on your hand, and raise the other hand up;
  • slowly rise, lifting the thigh from the support and keeping the back straight;
  • hold this position for as long as possible;
  • repeat the movements on the other side.

Instead of simple twists, it is recommended that, standing on all fours, simultaneously raise the leg and opposite arm, holding them in a straightened state for several seconds. With these exercises, you can pump the muscles of the buttocks, hips, abdominals and shoulder girdle without overloading the spine.


2. Forward bends with weights

This is one of the most popular exercises. It is believed that by leaning forward while holding dumbbells, a person trains the muscles of the back, abs and hips. Unfortunately, such movements are extremely dangerous. Any overexertion associated with excessively active slopes or minimal excess of the permissible weight of the load leads to spinal injuries and sprains of the back muscles.

As a replacement, the lumberjack exercise is quite suitable:

  • put your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • while inhaling, gently lift the stuffed ball on straightened arms until it is over the right shoulder;
  • as you exhale, slowly lower the ball in a wide arc to your left foot, while bending your knees halfway;
  • repeat the movements in the other direction (from the left shoulder to the right foot).


3. Lifting dumbbells "for biceps"

The weighted bicep curl is an exercise designed for professional athletes who have very strong back muscles and want to train a specific muscle group as hard as possible. For a person involved in fitness in order to improve the figure and overall increase in tone, it is more harmful than useful.

It is much safer and more effective to perform vertical flexion and extension of the arms with weights in the form of an elastic band. To do this, use a piece of rubber bandage, the length of which is equal to two distances from the floor to the waist. The middle of the tape is passed under the feet, and its ends are taken in hands with a reverse grip. Then they bend their arms one by one so that one of them remains half-bent, and the other reaches the shoulder with a fist. The rubber band provides elastic resistance that allows you to train the muscles of the arms and chest, but does not create excessive stress on the spine.

Dangerous fitness exercises

Background photo created by senivpetro – www.freepik.com


4. Reverse push-ups

Face-up push-ups with an emphasis on the arms laid back are dangerous because in this situation a serious load falls on the shoulder and elbow joints, which are in an unnatural position. Such movements are fraught with sprains, dislocations and even the appearance of small cracks in the bones. If you do push-ups in the classic pose (face down), trying to keep your back straight and your legs bent at the knees, while bending your arms parallel to the body, you can use the same muscles as with reverse push-ups, but the risk of injury will be minimal.


5. "French" press with dumbbells

Raises and behind the head of hands with dumbbells are extremely dangerous exercises, fraught with injuries to the lower back, shoulder girdle and elbows. You can train the corresponding muscles with the help of safer "diamond" push-ups. They are done in a classic pose (face down) with an emphasis on the hands, but so that the palms are as close to each other as possible, and the elbows are directed away from the body. The exercise can be performed both with straightened legs and with bent knees resting on the floor, depending on the degree of load tolerance.


6. Thigh trainers

Thigh strengthening machines are not intended for beginners. So that exercises with them do not cause sprains and muscles of the perineum, it is necessary to have thorough preparation. Not only inexperience leads to injuries, but also attempts to increase the weight of weights while ignoring pain and fatigue.

Optimal exercises for the leg muscles are the so-called stepping onto the platform. For these exercises, any stable object with a flat surface (box, low stool, etc.) is suitable. The movements are very simple: you need to go up to the platform and go down from it alternately raising your right and left legs (straight or sideways). You should start with a low object, only slightly rising above the floor.

By gradually increasing the height of the platform and the pace of steps, you can not only improve the condition of the muscles of the lower extremities, but also improve breathing, activate the work of the heart and blood vessels, and also get rid of extra pounds.

At first, fitness classes should be supervised by an experienced trainer. He will select an individual set of exercises, taking into account the state of the muscles, age, weight, and the presence of chronic diseases. This minimizes the risks associated with increased physical activity. In addition, the specialist will help to establish a training regimen: he will not give unreasonable indulgences, but he will also not allow you to overstrain and experience loads that are dangerous to health.

Source: neboleem.net