There is a widespread belief that a high level of intelligence (IQ) is a key factor for achieving success in life. However, the real picture is much more complex, and success is not always solely dependent on mental abilities.
American psychologist Daniel Goleman, the author of the concept of emotional intelligence, argues that a person's emotional development plays an even more important role in their life than intelligence. In his book, he gives the example of a friend who, despite high intelligence, could not realize his potential. Goleman writes:
“A friend of mine, possessing outstanding intellectual abilities, constantly skipped lectures, was prone to idleness, and barely graduated from college. Today, he still can't find his place in life. This case, like many others, convinced me that intelligence alone is not a guarantee of success. People who excelled in school often turn out to be mediocre students, and holders of prestigious diplomas often struggle to find their place in life. The problem is that academic achievements do not always correlate with success in real life. While education focuses on theoretical knowledge, emotional development, which is key to successfully applying this knowledge in life, remains secondary.”
Goleman introduced the term "emotional intelligence quotient" (EQ), emphasizing its importance in the process of achieving life goals. This quotient includes important qualities such as determination, the ability to manage one's emotions to achieve goals, self-awareness, and the ability to empathize with others.

How does emotional intelligence contribute to success?
Emotional intelligence (EQ) encompasses several key aspects that play a crucial role in achieving success:
- Determination. People with high EQ can clearly formulate their goals and persistently pursue them despite obstacles. They better adapt to changes, find unconventional solutions, and are able to withstand difficulties on the path to success.
- Emotion management. The ability to control one's emotions helps to resist stress and maintain clarity of thought in difficult situations. This quality allows for more balanced decisions and avoids impulsive actions that could hinder goal achievement.
- Self-awareness. People with high EQ have a good understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, which helps them use their abilities more effectively and avoid situations where they might fail. Self-awareness also allows them to accurately assess their emotions and manage them.
- Empathy and social skills. The ability to empathize and understand the emotions of others is important for building strong interpersonal relationships and effective teamwork. These qualities help build trust, which is an important factor for success in any field.
Academic success and real life: what's the difference?
Academic achievements are often associated with a high level of intelligence, but success in real life requires much more. The modern education system is primarily focused on developing cognitive abilities and acquiring theoretical knowledge. However, as practice shows, this knowledge alone is not enough for successful life realization.
For example, a study conducted by Stanford University found that graduates who demonstrated high academic success did not always become leaders in their professional activities. Moreover, it turned out that high academic performance is often associated with perfectionism and fear of failure, which can become obstacles to career growth.

Thus, mental abilities undoubtedly play an important role in life, but they are not the only factor determining success. Emotional intelligence, which includes determination, emotion management, self-awareness, and social skills, often turns out to be more important for achieving life goals. The combination of a high IQ and a developed EQ provides the best chances for success, as it allows one to make the most effective use of their abilities and knowledge.
To learn more about your emotional intelligence, you can take a test that will help you determine your EQ and understand which aspects need further development. This will be the first step towards a harmonious combination of intelligence and emotional skills, which is the key to success in life. To assess your EQ, simply go to our article at the following link: EQ Test: Determine the extent of your emotional development.
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