Many people think that the higher the intelligence quotient, the smarter a person is. Intelligence testing was very popular in the world at the beginning of the current century. However, it is still popular with us. Several books have been published, and many intelligence tests have appeared on the Internet. However, in developed countries, the popularity of such tests has declined. And largely because large-scale studies have shown that the so-called intelligence quotient (IQ) is a very relative "measure" of the human mind.
It is noted that IQ speaks more about the speed of thought processes (test tasks must be completed within a limited time) rather than the ability to think or originality of thinking. At the same time, among the greatest thinkers, there were many "slow thinkers," such as Albert Einstein.
It should also be noted that, as studies have shown, outstanding achievements in science, art, business, and politics are often made by those with a low IQ, while those with a high intelligence quotient do not achieve much success and are often helpless in solving everyday problems.
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And one more interesting study. It turns out that women and men evaluate their intelligence quotient differently. This was reported by scientists from the Scottish University in Edinburgh. Their study involved 502 women and 265 men. They had to approximately determine their IQ level, as well as that of their parents. A quotient of 100 points is considered normal. It turned out that women assigned themselves an average IQ of 120 points, while men - 127.
Moreover, most men were sure that their IQ significantly exceeded their mother's but were as smart as their fathers. In turn, women indicated that their quotient was lower than their father's but equal to their mother's. Based on such curious results, the authors of the study concluded that women are less likely to achieve career success because they often underestimate their own intelligence.
There is an opinion that if a child has a low intelligence quotient (IQ), they are talentless and limited. But is it so? Let's try to figure it out.
The IQ coefficient (the ratio of "mental" to actual age) was first applied in 1916. It is considered that the IQ of a normally developing child is 100. If the intelligence quotient reaches 120–135, the child is considered gifted. If the quotient exceeds 160, it is already a prodigy. We also suggest that curious parents take our test "Is Your Child a Prodigy?".
In the 1920s, American scientists began an experiment. They identified almost 1500 highly gifted (according to IQ tests) children. They observed them throughout their lives, into deep old age. It turned out that over the years, prodigies stood out less and less among their peers. The conclusion is as follows: the reliability of such tests is very doubtful, long-term forecasts cannot be built on their basis, and a final conclusion about a child's giftedness cannot be made.
However, in our opinion, there are simply no ungifted children in nature, and the extent to which talent in something is revealed depends, first of all, on upbringing. On this topic, we suggest that parents (or future parents) familiarize themselves with the interesting material "Montessori Method for Natural Child Development".
In conclusion, it should be noted that in our time, the standard IQ test is gradually becoming a thing of the past, as scientists have not found a direct correlation between success in life and the level of happiness with the intelligence quotient. Emotional intelligence (EQ) is coming to the fore. The ability to manage one's emotions is valued most in the 21st century. Read more about this in our article "EQ Test: Determine Your Level of Emotional Development".