Periodic decrease in sexual desire or dissatisfaction from sexual contacts is familiar to many people. However, when this happens regularly, it is worth considering your health.
Often people prefer not to seek help from specialists on delicate issues, hoping that the problem will resolve itself or they will cope with it on their own. This approach is fundamentally wrong: a decrease in sexual desire usually has real physiological causes, some of which require specialist intervention.
In this article, we will consider the main factors that can negatively affect sexual activity.
1. Constant nervous tension

Chronic stress and depression are among the main causes of reduced sexual desire. People suffering from these conditions often have communication difficulties and reduced libido. Low self-esteem, dissatisfaction with their appearance or level of social realization can also lead to problems in sexual life. Such people often feel unworthy of attention and fear being rejected, which creates obstacles for sexual contacts.
In addition, a high level of stress associated with the need to constantly maintain achieved social status also negatively affects libido. The body is forced to work in a mode of increased levels of cortisol and adrenaline, which suppresses the function of the sex glands and reduces the level of testosterone, responsible for sexual desire.
2. Dehydration of the body

Lack of water in the body negatively affects all its systems. Women especially suffer from mucous membranes, making sexual intercourse painful due to vaginal dryness. In men, dehydration leads to blood thickening, reduced blood flow speed, and consequently, weakened erection. In addition, constant lack of fluid can cause increased blood pressure, headaches, and general fatigue, which also does not contribute to an active sexual life.
We also recommend reading our article “Proper water consumption: misconceptions and myths”.
3. Lack of sleep

Chronic lack of sleep is one of the common problems of modern society. The inability to get a full night's rest increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and other serious ailments. Constant fatigue, elevated cortisol levels, and reduced production of sex hormones negatively affect libido. Men suffering from apnea or snoring more often experience erectile dysfunction compared to those who regularly get enough sleep.
We also recommend reading our article “How lack of sleep forms excess weight”.
4. Taking medications

Some medications can significantly reduce sexual desire and the quality of sexual life. These include antipsychotics, antidepressants, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, medications for Parkinson's disease, anti-tuberculosis drugs, antihypertensive agents, and many others.
The negative impact on libido is often observed with prolonged use of these drugs, and the reaction to them is individual. In such cases, doctors can select alternative treatments that do not have such a side effect.
5. Use of hormonal contraceptives

Although modern oral contraceptives usually do not indicate a decrease in libido as a side effect, many women complain of weakened sexual desire when taking them.
Artificial hormones can change the hormonal background, and the recovery of libido after discontinuation of contraceptives can take several months or even up to a year. Therefore, the choice of such means should be made by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.
6. Excess weight

Excess weight negatively affects sexual life both psychologically and physiologically. In men, obesity leads to a decrease in testosterone levels, increasing the risk of impotence. In women, excess weight often causes congestion in the pelvic area and hormonal disorders. This can lead to reduced vaginal sensitivity, anorgasmia, and frigidity.
Overweight people also face limitations in choosing positions during sexual intercourse and physical ailments, such as shortness of breath and heart rhythm disturbances, which reduce satisfaction from sex.
We also recommend reading our article “How dangerous is excess weight and obesity?”.
7. Smoking

Tobacco combustion products reduce blood oxygen saturation, slow down blood flow, and narrow blood vessels. Smokers often have problems with blood supply to the genital organs, which in men manifests as difficulties with erection, and in women - as reduced sensitivity. Smoking is one of the most harmful habits negatively affecting sexual desire and the quality of sexual life.
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All the factors considered act individually, and in each specific case, there may be exceptions. Nevertheless, to maintain a normal sexual life, most people should follow a daily routine, eat properly, avoid bad habits, and promptly consult specialists when problems arise. Self-medication and ignoring symptoms can only worsen the situation, so it is important to seek qualified help.
For a normal sexual life, it is necessary to take into account all the listed factors and work on improving overall health. Adhering to a reasonable daily routine, proper nutrition, avoiding bad habits, and timely consultation with specialists when problems arise will help maintain health and sexual desire at a high level.
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Causes of reduced libido in women
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