Tylototriton shanjing (Mandarin newt), Emperor newt, or Mandarin salamander


The Mandarin newt is a rare and beautiful amphibian from the Tritonidae family that inhabits mountainous regions in China. Its name comes from its bright coloration, reminiscent of mandarin oranges and black tea. This newt is also known as the Emperor dragon due to its impressive appearance resembling a dragon. It is a highly toxic species, with rows of orange warts along its back containing venomous glands.

In this article, we will tell you all about the Mandarin newt: its description, behavior, significance, and conservation. We'll also share some interesting facts about it.


Description of the Mandarin Newt

As mentioned earlier, this colorful creature goes by several names: Tylototriton shanjing, Mandarin newt, Emperor newt, or Mandarin salamander. The Mandarin newt belongs to the class Amphibia, order Caudata, family Tritonidae, and genus Tylototriton. It was first described by Chinese scientists in 1988 based on materials collected in Yunnan province. Since then, it has also been found in the provinces of Guizhou and Sichuan.

The Emperor newt has an elongated body with short limbs and a long tail. It can reach a length of 20 cm. Its skin is smooth and moist, covered in small warts. Its eyes are large and bulging. It has a ridged orange head. A single orange crest runs along its back, continuing onto the tail. Its coloration is vibrant and contrasting: black body with orange spots, orange crest and limb tips, and a black belly with orange stripes.

The Mandarin newt exhibits weak sexual dimorphism, meaning there are subtle differences between males and females. However, females are often larger than males.

The Mandarin newt inhabits mountainous regions of China at elevations ranging from 1000 to 2500 meters above sea level. It prefers wooded areas close to water bodies such as streams, ponds, swamps, and rice fields. It leads a semi-aquatic lifestyle, spending part of its time on land and part in the water. It is active during warm seasons and hibernates in shelters under rocks or vegetation during cold weather. It may undertake seasonal migrations between different habitats depending on weather conditions and water availability.

Despite its bright coloration, the Mandarin newt may appear as easy prey. However, its vertebrae and skull have particularly thick bones, making it difficult to bite. Additionally, when captured, the tips of its ribs release venom from glands on its back.

Interesting Fact

Emperor newts have enough toxin to kill approximately 7500 mice.

Although these newts are venomous, they are generally safe for humans as long as handled with care.

Tylototriton shanjing (Mandarin newt), Emperor newt, or Mandarin salamander



Behavior of the Mandarin Newt

The Mandarin newt primarily leads a nocturnal lifestyle, making it challenging to detect. It is territorial and defends its habitat against competitors. Communication with other newts involves visual, chemical, and tactile signals.

The Mandarin newt typically feeds on small invertebrates in its environment, such as crickets and worms. It can also utilize its toxic defense by secreting a substance from its skin glands containing toxins. This secretion can cause irritation, inflammation, or even paralysis in predators or rivals.

During warm seasons, the Mandarin newt reproduces, usually from May to August. Males attract females with their bright coloration and crest. They may also compete among themselves for the right to mate with females. Mating occurs in water, where the male transfers a spermatophore (a packet of sperm) to the female. The female takes it into her cloaca and fertilizes her eggs. She lays 50 to 200 eggs on aquatic plants or rocks. The eggs are yellowish and surrounded by a protective membrane. Larvae hatch after 2–3 weeks and live in water, feeding on zooplankton. They have external gills and a tail fin. They transform into adults within 2–3 months, losing their gills and developing lungs.

Tylototriton shanjing (Mandarin newt), Emperor newt, or Mandarin salamander



Significance of the Emperor Newt

The Emperor newt plays an important role in the ecosystem as part of the food chain. It serves as prey for certain predators, such as snakes, birds, and small mammals. Additionally, it helps regulate the population of its prey, preventing overabundance.

The Mandarin newt faces threats from human activities, including habitat destruction, habitat degradation, introduction of invasive species, illegal trade, and use in traditional medicine. These factors contribute to population decline and loss of genetic diversity. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Mandarin newt is listed as vulnerable (VU).

Maintaining Mandarin newts in captivity, such as in zoos, terrariums, or aquariums, requires special conditions and care:

  • Provide adequate space, clean water, suitable temperature, humidity, and lighting;
  • Select compatible species and individuals, avoiding stress and aggression;
  • Adhere to sanitation standards, prevent and treat diseases and injuries;
  • Offer diverse and balanced food enriched with vitamins and minerals;
  • Stimulate natural behaviors, including courtship and reproduction.
Tylototriton shanjing (Mandarin newt), Emperor newt, or Mandarin salamander



Interesting Facts

The Mandarin newt has unusual behavioral traits that make it unique and attractive for study. Below are some interesting facts about it.

  • The Mandarin newt can change its coloration depending on mood, temperature, or season. During the breeding period, it becomes brighter and more contrasting to attract a mate. In the winter, it becomes darker and more uniform to retain heat and camouflage.
  • The Emperor newt can perform various poses and movements that have different meanings and functions. For example, it can raise its head and tail to show off its crest and threaten a competitor. It can lift its front legs to attract a female's attention. It can sway its body from side to side to confuse a predator or prey.
  • The animal can exhibit various forms of social behavior, such as cooperation, altruism, mutual aid, or conflict. For example, the Mandarin newt may share its food, water, or territory with other newts. It may fight with other newts over resources, status, or a mate.